Thursday 11 April 2013

Language mishaps / Błędy językowe

Below are Tymek's reflections about our last workshop on language mistakes:

Our last workshop was about how people make mistakes in writing and translating. For example, many people have problems with names of people and places spelling them wrong because they write down a word that sounds familiar without making sure they got it properly. We also learned about apostrophes, about how many kinds there are and how easy it is to make a mistake. The lesson was quite hard but it was really interesting. We looked at different mistakes that people have made, for example there was a cup saying ‘For the little princess in HIS kingdom’. It was really funny looking at the silly mistakes people make. We also talked how foolish people are to make mistakes on something that will for example represent them or their business, which will make their customers buy less of their product. At the start of the lesson we did a dictation and at the end of the lesson we checked if the lesson helped our understanding of apostrophes and other grammar rules. The results showed that everybody did better after the lesson which proved we’ve actually learned something :D.

source unknown
 And his story inspired by the cup mistake:
Little Princess in HIS Kingdom
Once there was a princess who lived in his kingdom, but the problem was nobody knew whose kingdom it was, it definitely couldn’t be the princess's... or could it. The princess ordered everyone to find him but nobody could, until one brave knight noticed that it was just a spelling mistake in the title!!!
And the moral of this story is that grammar can change everything.

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